Kat’s Blog: A Time to Reflect

Easter, a holiday with candy, decorations, family visits and children participating in Easter egg hunts. A holiday that so far, is fine for registrants to celebrate.

Halloween, candy, decorations and children, yet it’s outlawed for registrants.

I don’t get it, it doesn’t make any sense. We could say that there’s the religious element to Easter   therefore they can’t take that away from us. But, there are those whose Wiccan religious beliefs include celebrating Oct.31st, Halloween, is their right to celebrate their religion denied them? I’m not certain how one religious holiday is OK for registrants and another isn’t.

But as far as we know, Easter is an OK holiday for registrants, so go ahead and bite those ears off the chocolate bunnies and squish those peeps, enjoy yourselves.

Today I just want to take a moment to share what I’ve learned from writing this blog.

There’s a lot of good readers out there.

I want to thank those of you who read the blog and take the time to comment.  Your comments, both positive and negative help bring new issues to the forefront.  It helps me know what we need to be discussing, what I need to research further and what new obstacles registrants are dealing with. You’ve alerted me to my errors in fact checking and given me knew subject ideas that we need to be talking about.

When I wrote about suicide it was heartwarming to see registrants “helping” registrants. Those who identified with the suicide issue, whose comments sounded like they were in distress or at the end of their rope were met with supportive and hopeful comments from many of you.  We need that, we need to help each other when we don’t think we can make it more day, because we all have days like that. I am grateful to those of you who reached out with support.

With many of the comments, I’ve noticed a dialogue begins between those commenting.  You offer not only thought provoking discussions back and forth, but provide each other with links to government, informational and reference sites.  The more we can help each other learn about our rights and about what we can do to take them back, the better.  Keep talking, we’re all in this together, the more voices that are heard, the louder we get, the powers that be will begin to hear us.  For many of us we’re already seeing small changes in our states, the recent ruling in Windsor Locks, CT, was one small example. We can  effect change.

Many registrants live their lives in fear of ever saying or doing anything. Many are living lives of quiet desperation.

That’s no way to live. If you want a life you need to fight for it.

If all you can do right this moment is comment, then comment.  It lets us know you’re out there, that you are invested in making things better, that you do have a voice.  If you can do that, who knows what else you can do, attend support groups, go to conventions or call your legislators.

When I look back on where we’ve been, we are making progress, granted, it’s slow, but it is progress none the less.  Take some time and reflect on what you can do to help the effort to end the registry.

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Being on the registry for some time, I wasnt aware people could participate in Easter. I always take my kids to the Easter egg hunts, etc. Maybe it’s due to the age of the conviction, in the states I’ve lived I’m grandfathered from the punishment?

I, for one, can go to church and participate church services if I chose to do so. As far as going to a place such as an Easter egg hunt, I would be treading on thin ice as this could be considered a place “where children congregate”. This condition that I have to abide by or risk 30 years in prison and another felony is ridiculous as is any Halloween functions/participation. Can anyone name the last time a child was sexually assaulted/kidnapped/given apples or any kind of candy by someone registered driving a white van (or anything similar? 1974 is the last case that I know of and that is even an iffy one.

Dia de los Muertos is a cultural observational holiday, which Halloween has some ethnic ties to.

Ehe, and the last time I checked, I don’t recall a more frivolous holiday as The Clown of April banning registrants. This holiday is a biggie in Middle-School, so one would think that if Halloween made the ban ChomeChomez cut, so would April. But, evidently not.

Our quest for change is frowned upon much like the “anti-vaxxer” movement is. It’s gonna be a long, LONG slog. Personally, I don’t feel as though the public WANTS to be deprogrammed and reeducated on this subject. They don’t want to understand our plight; they’d rather have us twist in the wind and languish forever. They actually think our treatment is fair and reasonable! Also, they’ve become too dependent on their little apps with those red map pins to provide an emotional “safety” buffer.

I don’t see how any of you can celebrate holidays with complete and total worry-free happiness, much less your birthdays.

Benny ~ I am curious how this would work, too. So, if you are a Tier I, and IF you get relief, will you still have to register if you move to another State? So, those who get off in California would be better off staying here because they might have to start registering in another State if they move there? That sounds like complete BS. If you are off the registry in CA, you should be off, period.